Chapter 3 Bias. Chapter 4 Extrajudicial Source Rule. Chapter 5 An Appearance of Bias. Chapter 6 Interest. Chapter 7 Family Relationships. Chapter 8 Social Relationships. Chapter 9 Gifts and Political Support. Cases where senators, temporary judges, sheriffs principal, sheriffs, summary sheriffs, justices of the peace, or a member of a Scottish tribunal, grant or refuse a formal motion for recusal, or recuse themselves of their own accord, in open court, are recorded for the current year in the table below.
Toggle navigation. Previous years have been archived. Beaton v W. Case adjourned to another date before any evidence heard, or witnesses sworn in. The director was present as an observer at this Case Management Discussion. The Supreme Court addressed recusal in the case Caperton v. Massey Coal Co. Even though the Supreme Court found that there was no evidence that the judge was biased, it still held that he had to recuse himself.
For additional information on this case, see the LII's oral argument preview of it. Please help us improve our site!