Shortly before the in-game references were removed, he made such family-friendly tweets as "I'd rather be a fascist cunt than have a feminine dick" though this was subsequently deleted , and he has tweeted endorsements of both the Pizzagate and QAnon conspiracy theories.
He has propagated the false claim that people face fines for "using the wrong pronouns" to refer to trans people. Persson has also tweeted right-wing slogans such as " It's OK to be white ," and he's said that anyone who recognizes systemic racial biases and imbalance within Western society is racist. In , he tweeted, "If you're against the concept of a HeterosexualPrideDay, you're a complete fucking cunt and deserve to be shot," though this, too, was subsequently deleted.
Persson's name can still be found within the credits of the game, but this appears to be the full extent of the association Microsoft wishes to have with him. You must login or create an account to comment. Skip to main content Minecraft player's worst nightmare. Notch gave the world a tremendous gift, but it came at a price — and that was publicity and public exposure. Ultimately, he decided to sell his game and move on to smaller projects that would demand less of his time.
Notch's real name is Markus Persson. He both created Minecraft and helped found the associated Mojang Studios. But Minecraft became a huge hit, potentially beyond what Notch ever anticipated. In , he wrote : "I've become a symbol. I don't want to be a symbol, responsible for something huge that I don't understand, that I don't want to work on, that keeps coming back to me. I'm not an entrepreneur. I'm not a CEO. I'm a nerdy computer programmer who likes to have opinions on Twitter.
It's notable that he mentioned that he had his opinions: Notch's Twitter statements were consistently controversial and creating a rift between himself and his game. While initially, he may have developed Minecraft on his own, today, Mojang Studios has nearly employees. It's one thing to go on a Twitter tirade that alienates you — it's quite another to risk hundreds of jobs each time. Notch isn't John McAfee — he's neither been accused of running meth nor murder.
But he's still become a controversial figure, so much so that Microsoft removed all mentions of his name from Minecraft.