But for Tris and Four, it was enough that in the third book, when she undresses, he calls her body beautiful—and she believes him. The fear, overcome, and her choice to be with him, made free of fear. Four, on the other hand, has a hard time trusting people …to put it lightly.
But he finds in Tris someone who can bear the truth of the abuse he has survived without resorting to pity or recoiling from his pain. Together they fumble toward true intimacy, on all different levels. Personally, I love that Tris and Four are fearless in so many ways, but guarded about these things, showing that you can have vulnerabilities and insecurities and still be kind of a badass.
She first got into acting after her sister forced her to audition for a home movie. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search.
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What do the crows represent in divergent? Why do they call him four? Does Tobias fall in love with Christina? Does Tris and Four get married? Are Tris and Four dating in real life? How old is Theo James now? Is Christina divergent? Who does Tris end up with? Why did Tris and Tobias break up? How did Tris die? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Follow Following. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress.
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