What is zmax made of

The FTC's complaint alleges that the defendants did not possess and rely on reasonable substantiation for the following claims in the infomercial, on the Web site and in brochures that zMax:. The agency's complaint also alleges that the defendants falsely represent that the results of the CRC L38 test proved that zMax:.

The FTC is asking the court to bar the defendants from violating the FTC Act, which prohibits deceptive acts and to order consumer redress or require that they give up their ill-gotten gains. This case is the latest in a series of FTC law-enforcement initiatives targeting unsubstantiated claims made by auto additive manufacturers. The Commission vote to file the complaint was It was filed in U. NOTE: The Commission authorizes the filing of a complaint when it has "reason to believe" that the law has been or is being violated, and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest.

The complaint is not a finding or ruling that the defendants actually have violated the law. The case will be decided by the court. You are here. For Release. Tags: Energy. The agency's complaint also alleges that the defendants falsely represent that the results of the CRC L38 test proved that zMax: increases gas mileage; reduces engine wear; extends engine life; lowers fuel consumption by 8.

The other screws are only covered with a rust-resistant coating on their surface, which will break down or wear off over time. Galvanization is a process that coats with zinc. Furthermore, they specify that the fasteners meet the ASTM A specification for hot-dipped galvanizing. Fasteners that have been zinc plated have a shiny, silvery or golden appearance, referred to as clear or yellow zinc respectively. They are fairly corrosion resistant but will rust if the coating is destroyed or if exposed to a marine environment.

Fastener length Whether you choose to use screws or nails, the length is crucial to the success of your fence. Corrosion-resistant stainless steel screws , nails and bolts in grades and can be used for copper- treated wood in most areas, while grade should be used in coastal areas. But stainless steel fasteners can cost five to 10 times more than similar galvanized fasteners. As the industry phases out wood pressure - treated with chromated copper arsenate CCA , keep in mind that the high level of copper in the alternatives reacts with aluminum , causing corrosion.

Aluminum never has been recommended for use with CCA. The chemicals used to treat the wood enhance fast metal corrosion. These corrosive chemicals leach out of the wood and accelerate the corrosion process. Does treated wood corrode aluminum? Most of the new chemical treatments contain copper and should never come in direct contact with aluminum. Many contractors isolate aluminum flashing and trim from pressure treated lumber with building tape or house wrap.

ACQ- treated wood is not compatible with aluminum. Answer: Whether pressure - treated lumber is appropriate for trusses depends on the preservative used in the treatment process. If the lumber treated with waterborne preservatives is kiln dried after treatment, most of the preservative chemicals are inert and normal plates can be used.

The joist hangers used in construction with both sawn lumber and manufactured joists are usually galvanized zinc-coated. The preservatives that take the place of CCA are more corrosive to steel, and even to the zinc coating.

Stainless steel siding nails won't corrode when exposed to weather. All steel nails exposed to moisture eventually rust. Paint won't prevent rust either; in a couple of years the rusty nail head will bleed through the topcoat. What is Zmax coating? Category: hobbies and interests woodworking. This thicker coating is available on select Simpson Strong-Tie connectors. Is it better to nail or screw deck boards?

What kind of screws are best for wood? Can you use regular nails in pressure treated wood? What screws dont rust? What kind of nails to use with pressure treated wood? Are zinc plated screws rust proof?


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