Course work evaluated below the equivalent of a B receives a grade of F. Incomplete Status A faculty member may agree to assign a status of Incomplete I when the student is passing the course and has a compelling reason why he or she cannot complete final assignments before the end of the term. After discussion with the student if the faculty member agrees to assign a grade status of Incomplete the student must sign the appropriate form filed with the Registrar.
This status must be changed within one year of the end of the term in which the status was recorded. The student has until this time to complete the missing work. After this time the student will be assumed to have abandoned the class and the instructor or the Registrar will change the status as appropriate. A student may challenge only the actual and objective elements of the content of student records -- that is, any discrepancy in computation and transcription of the grade -- not the qualitative and subjective elements of grading.
If there is a possible error in the computation or transcription of a grade, the student should initiate a conference with the instructor within 30 days of the end of the term in which the grade was received. If a satisfactory agreement between the student and the instructor is not reached, the student may request a meeting with the program director. If a satisfactory agreement is still not reached the student may request a meeting with the dean. At the end of each term, the committees review the academic record of each student who is in academic difficulty.
Request Info Let us tell you more about what Queens can offer you. Undergraduate Graduate. Section Menu About. The work exhibits few mechanical and stylistic errors and demonstrates a reasonable organization and development of ideas. Ideas are clearly and logically expressed and are well supported by an obvious awareness of the relevant literature with appropriate documentation of all sources.
Performance at this level meets graduation requirements. The development and flow of ideas throughout the paper are significantly below standard. The work contains poor sentence structure and punctuation and generally suffers from a lack of attention to matters of grammar and style. The work is inappropriately shorter or longer than the required length. While a grade of D is not a failure in a particular course i. The student may have failed to complete the course requirements.
The work may contain plagiarized materials. Download a copy of your unofficial transcript from you myTyndale student account. Instructions for how to do so can be found at the bottom of the Office of the Registrar's webpage. A number of columns appear above the uppermost semester entries at the top of your transcript. These values are filled in for each course after their final grade has been submitted. Once a semester has ended, the Term and Cumulative Totals for that semester appear at the bottom of each semester entry.
The grade points for a course are found by multiplying the number of credits awarded for the course times the appropriate grade points. Add up the graded credits for each course, then add up the grade points for each course and divide.
For example:. Or just use the GPA calculator spreadsheet. U niversity R egistrar Search Search.